Resources Changes to Taxation on Foreign Remuneration in South Africa

Changes to Taxation on Foreign Remuneration in South Africa

Independent contractors that work internationally may not always know where they should pay tax, especially if they are staying long-term in a foreign country.  Most countries impose taxes on two types of income; either earned within the country’s borders by anyone or earned outside the country by tax residents (foreign remuneration).

This is true in South Africa as well, and if you are an ex-pat contractor working in the country you should be aware of an upcoming change to the tax laws.  This change will also affect South African contractors who may work and earn income abroad.

Are You a Tax Resident in South Africa?

The first thing to find out is if you are a tax resident in South Africa.  ‘Tax residency’ is a special designation that is different from simply being a resident or a citizen.  You can be a tax resident of South Africa while still being a legal resident of your home country, or you can be a South African citizen working abroad and not be classified as a tax resident.

Physical Presence Test

There is a test in South Africa to determine if you are a tax resident which is based on ‘physical presence’, using all three of these scenarios:

  • 91 days in total during the year of residency assessment, and
  • 91 days in total during each of the five years of assessment preceding the year of residency assessment, and
  • 915 days in total during those five preceding years of assessment.

This won’t apply to most contractors unless you have been in South Africa almost continually for the past three to five years.  But, if you do meet the test as a tax resident and have any income in other countries during the year, you will have to pay tax in South Africa.  Tax residency will apply to most South African citizens unless they can meet the non-resident test.

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South African Citizens: Non-Resident Test

There is a separate test to determine if a South African citizen is not a tax resident, and that is if they stay outside the country for more than 183 days during the year (with one trip longer than 60 consecutive days).  This means that you do not have to pay tax on worldwide income, and only on any income that you might have earned in South Africa.

South Africa’s Current Position on Taxation of Foreign Remuneration

In South Africa, all foreign remuneration earned abroad for non-tax residents is exempt from tax. However, that is about to change.

Cap on Exemption to Begin March 1, 2020

In 2020, the exemption is going to be capped for income earned abroad at R1 million (about US$70,000) per year.  Any amounts earned over that will be taxed at normal rates.  The problem that this creates for a contractor with foreign remuneration, is that of double taxation since they will also be paying tax in the country where they are working.

Double Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits

The solution for many will lie in Double Taxation Treaties (DTT) and South Africa has a DTT with 60 countries.  The DTT provides tax relief for any excess tax paid in the form of credit. The DTT must be in the country where you are working, and you have to stay longer than 183 days.

Who is Affected by The Change to Taxation in South Africa?

You may be wondering if you will be affected by the changes to taxation in South Africa.  Here is the summary:

See also  The Simplest Way to Pay International Contractors Without Risk

Not Affected


  • Both ex-pats and South Africans that meet the tax residency requirement, and earn more than R1,000,000 annually will pay the tax but could get credit with a DTT
  • Tax residents earning more than R1,000,000 per year, but in a country without a DTT will pay extra tax

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The hand written name of Campbell Curtis who is the General Manager of Contractor Taxation. Campbell is an expert in helping contractors find the best Umbrella Company for their international contract.

Solutions Expert

A photo of Campbell Curtis, General Manager of Contractor Taxation. Campbell is relaxed, friendly and has many years of experience helping contractors find the best Umbrella Company for their international contracts.